It Has Been Hard

Lately, we have been under a lot of stress and so much going on at one time. I am honestly tired and ready to just throw in the towel. Since I have never been one to give up easily that is a foreign concept to me. Although, I am angry for a couple of reasons. The first one being that we have been looking for a place to live once our lease is up here. We *thought* we had the perfect place picked out. Even had an appointment to go and look at an apartment in this place last Tuesday. Get there and the office is closed for a medical emergency. Now I am not heartless, I understand emergencies quite well because we had another appointment the week before set and Charlotte had to go to the doctor that day because of a fever and throwing up (more on that later in the entry). The difference between the lady that runs this office and us is that we emailed her (she rarely answers the phone when you call in the first place) to tell her that we would not be there and why. When she had her issue, no email no phone call, just sorry about your luck. We called her on Thursday to see if we could go up that day or Friday to look at the apartment she had and all of a sudden she has nothing available and will have something again in mid-March. We had been talking to this lady since the end of January. She knew our time frame. We both were so annoyed and angry that she just strung us along all this time when we could have been looking at other places. Mind you it is hard to find affordable living here because of the horse money. 

Yesterday we looked at two different places and filled out the applications for both.  The one place I liked a lot and the second one is small. Like not sure my king sized bed will fit in the master bedroom small. Now it is a waiting game to see which application comes back first. The place I liked is here and it looks amazing. I think it is mostly a place for college kids but it is under new management that is not our current management company here where we are now. I think they are trying to get more families in there to offset the issues that were there before the new management. The second place is here and we are looking at the 2 bedroom formal here. 

Back to why Charlotte had to go to the doctor, she was wheezing pretty badly so they gave her a nebulizer and she is on Albuterol as needed for wheezing. I have asthma and I am worried that this is the beginning of that with Charlotte. Also, the older kids both have asthma and Katie had it this young too. So you can see why I am concerned. I am glad they gave her a nebulizer. The bill came in the mail yesterday so I have to call them Monday to give the insurance information. She hates the breathing treatments but who doesn’t? She is fine until the meds start coming into the mask and then she starts crying. Although she will hold the mask over her face and cry. LOL. 

I have done mountains and mountains of laundry lately. I have 4 bags of stuff to donate to the Salvation Army as well as some bigger items. Charlotte is doing amazing with physical therapy and is walking some. We are working with her to catch up to her age group and I am happy to report that she is almost there!! Jeff is going to speech therapy and occupational therapy has been suggested, so after we get moved I will get an OT eval done for him too. His speech therapist did say that she did notice some of the things I am concerned about, but since insurance is paying for services without an issue right now, a diagnosis is not a concern. Although a lot of doctors want to wait until at least four to evaluate and I am comfortable with that for the moment because he is getting help now. We could possibly be adding an orthopedist to Charlotte’s medical team. She is having issues with one foot while walking, so we are getting her some shoes first to see if that helps with the issue or if she might need a brace for her leg. Ugh. Life sure is complicated sometimes! 

I have more laundry to fold and sort, so I am going to go! Hope you have a wonderful day! I am hoping that when I post again I will be doing so from our new home!! 
