California and Illness

We have been doing really well in California. M has not found a job just yet, but we have applied and been approved for everything we can get. Both kids have been to the doctor and we are in the midst of getting referrals sorted and appointments made. Jeff has an appointment for a hearing test and for his ABA therapy. Charlotte was just seen this past Monday and we have referrals going out to all the various doctors we had in Kentucky and adding an eye doctor because she has a lazy eye now and a dentist. Ugh. Poor girl can not catch a break. They also talked about getting an ultrasound done on her spleen so we have a baseline of what it is supposed to look like. She also needs baseline blood work done, hopefully, we can get that done next week sometime.

I also have been to the doctor, yesterday actually. I have a mammogram scheduled, a hearing test to be scheduled for me, and all-encompassing blood work for me too. We have been sick for the last week or so and it hit us ALL pretty hard. I got a library card for myself and when we go back I am getting one for Jeff as well. He wants his own, so I am making a pretty big deal out of it! They both are signed up for the summer reading program here. They both have already won a book or board book of their choice, a pizza coupon, and a toy. So they are doing really well. It helps me too because now I am more conscious of reading to them. They love logging the books and seeing the points go up!

I am so tired right now, I just wanted you all to know we have not fallen off the face of the Earth!
