A Lot Has Happened

We got the flu at the beginning of January. Jeff was supposed to start school on the 10th which did not happen because of the aforementioned flu. Y’all, this flu thing is no joke. It is nasty and it hangs around for a long time. I was going to start Jeff in school on the 17th, but he was still having fevers, so we put it off another week. He did start on the 24th and he absolutely loves it! Which is a huge relief to us both. Of course next week he could totally hate it. Ya know, life with a toddler. I started him on a Wednesday because at his school Wednesdays are half days, so I figured it would be less traumatic for him that way. He had never really been away from us both at once before, so I was trying to ease him in. 

Now he hates leaving school and this is his first weekend home since starting school. I am not sure how this will go because he loves school so much. Char asks about him randomly during the day when she realizes he is not there, but all in all, she is happy too because she gets to watch what she wants on the TV and gets all the adults to herself. Plus she gets to go more places too, so for her, it is excellent! 

Actually, for us all, it has been excellent. I am so happy he is loving it. It makes therapy day so much easier! Plus he is meeting other kids and making friends and learning so much! The weather has not been wonderful lately, rain and cold. I do like that it gets plenty chilly here, I just occasionally miss the snow aspect. With the chilly weather though it is nice winter, just a lot of rain sometimes. 

I am looking into getting Jeff some ABA behavioural therapy, which I feel would benefit him greatly. He is growing up so fast! I can not believe he will be four in March! I look at him sometimes and I just feel so sad because he is getting so big and soon will not fit on my lap anymore! Char had surgery yesterday. She had tubes put back in her ears and her adenoids removed. It was rather traumatic for her, but she is in good spirits today. Not quite herself yet, but getting there. She seemed to be a little bit warm today so we have been watching her. The nurses and doctor took great care of her and of course, everyone loved her! Well, I think that is all for now. 


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